Σάββατο 8 Αυγούστου 2015

Bενετσιάνικη λάμπα

 Venitian item /up on the mountain

When I don't walk in the village, I can just look on the ceiling, or the pergola, and put big questions to myself, as: Is this lamp matching with the Pelion landscape?
I bought it in Venice some years ago, and maybe it is not really italian, it can be chinese or something, it was much cheaper that the usually Murano made bulbs, but I didn't really observe the difference. And I could not set it here, in the open air, in the garden of our Pelion house in Drakia, exposed to hard conditions if it costed a fortune. But it looked very venitian in my eye, and as I was eager to purchase something that could remind me of the unique city, offer me the delusion that I could take with me a part of it, as every tourist does, I paid it 30 euros and had to pack it carefully and carry it back home and all the way up here.
Maybe here it is not what you could say, a typical, a local object, but what is really local anywhere? In some old houses in islands e.g. you can see collections of plates on the walls, brought by someone working in the ships and travelling around the world, and this is very nice and typical.
Why people choose fragile objects to preserve memories, this is a mystery.

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